The Institute for Regional Security

Security Challenges

Security Challenges is an Indo-Pacific focused peer reviewed research and high-quality commentary on security across its many policy and geographical domains.

Professor Michael Rainsborough, Professor of Strategic Theory at the Australian War College and Deakin University is Chair of the editorial group.

Future Strategic Leaders

Early-career professionals from Government, the military, police and intelligence agencies, and industry are selected into a program that provides opportunities for individual development, and contribution to the work of the Institute.

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We are an Indo-Pacific not-for-profit research organisation

What we do

We promote the peace, stability and prosperity of the peoples of the Indo-Pacific region through policy research, policy advice and advocacy, international dialogues, and the professional development of policy-makers.

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The Institute is an independent, not-for-profit, charitable organisation. It holds Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status under Australian Government regulations. It also holds the status of an Approved Research Institute (ARI) under such regulations. Donations to the Institute are tax deductible.

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